Aline Happ
Celtic/Folk/New Age renditions of rock and metal

for Solo Album
Raised: $ 6,561
Goal: $ 3,000

This page is for all countries, except Brazil.
Para o Brasil, favor clicar aqui.
Thank You!
The Crowdfunding Campaign was a success! Thank you so much!
The Album is coming this year, soon I will let you know the official release date.
Have you missed the campaign? Do not worry!
You can already pre-order the digital or the signed CD.
Expected Release: 2nd semester of 2022
Any questions?
Send me a message on Facebook, Instagram or email!

Signed CD
(shipping included)
U$ 26.99
(digital booklet)
U$ 9.99

I am Aline Happ, the singer of Lyria, considered one of the greatest symphonic metal bands from Brazil. I have been trying to bring positive messages with my band and now I want to continue this journey through my First Solo Project.
Music has the power to make our lives better. During these hard times, locked at home and without concerts, I really wanted to make something to bring you some joy. So, I started my new solo project to turn rock and metal songs into Celtic/folk/new age style. I am responsible for all the production steps: creating the backing tracks, vocal recording, mixing, mastering, video recording and video editing. If you are not aware about it, I have been posting them on YouTube. Here are some samples (or you can go to my channel):

The Crowdfunding Campaign
As some of you have been asking for, I decided to create an album with the versions that I am producing. The idea is to compile some of the versions that I have already produced together with new ones. But it also brings some new costs: licensing the songs for the album, making the physical copies, the shipping costs, etc. Thus, I was encouraged to create this new crowdfunding campaign!
For those who don't know how it works, it is quite simple: the crowdfunding campaign is a collaborative way to produce something together. Imagine that all of you are my sponsors, the people that can bring this project alive. But, you are not only donating to help with the cause, you are also been rewarding for it. So, you can also imagine it as a kind of presale, where you are paying beforehand. Here, I setup 9 different tiers where each tier has a donation value and cumulative rewards (some of them are exclusive for this campaign). So, if you choose the last tier, you get all the available perks as soon as they are available!
I chose some very nice perks for you here and I must say that all support is very appreciated! So, lets make it happen together! The final amount also includes the expenses for the high shipping (from Brazil) and fees in general. The good thing is that the price you see for the perks is already the final price. So, no surprises in the end. =)
And just to let you know, I decided to create the campaign inside my own page instead of using the usual crowdfunding services because most of them have been presenting some problems for Brazilians. The good thing is it will reduce some costs, since I won't have to pay their fees. All the donations are managed by Paypal, so they are safe!
Do you have any questions? Please send me a message on Facebook, Instagram or by email!
Work, work and work...
As I mentioned, I am the one responsible for the song and video producing. I have already started to develop some of the album artwork, as you can see on this page. In fact, I am the one creating this crowdfunding page too and I have to shout and spread about it to people too. So, there are so, so, so much work to do, right now...
That is why I am counting on you! Even if you cannot help me with money, you can always help by sharing this campaign with your friends, talking about the project on groups, communities, pages, etc.
Thank you for all the support! Together we are stronger!
Be safe and take care.
Hope to meet all you soon, when everything gets better.
Aline Happ